Quartermaster’s February Update

By Harold Rodenberger


January was a busy month at our post.


Some of our traveling members collected toiletries from hotels along the way and brought them by so we could give them to the homeless folks in the camp next door. Brian, the security coordinator, said they really appreciate those small size toiletries since their shower facility is several blocks away and it’s awkward to carry large bottles of shampoo and such up the street. The small containers work so much better.


If you are a collector of hotel-size toiletries and have some to spare, bring them by and we will accumulate and donate them to our neighbors.


I gave blood again in January. As I detailed in an article a couple months ago, it is almost pleasant to give blood the modern way. There is no question it saves lives, so if you can give blood, please do. If you give blood, please let us know so we can add your donation to the list of good things our post does, for our Community Service Report.


Another item of community service that is reported up our chain of command is the donations in kind many of us make from time to time. When you donate clothes, groceries or household items to your favorite charity, please send us a compilation so we can add those values for community service credit.


In January, members of our post visited three local retirement homes and several older members in their homes. If you would like to join the effort to visit our members in these local homes, or any of our (especially older) members, please let me know.


This month brings the debut of Kay Seelig as the new cook for our social dinners on the third Thursday of each month. Please check out this short article, check the menu each month and plan to attend the socials every month.


February will also be a busy month at our post.


Nominations for many of our VFW National awards are due. There are awards for: Teacher of the year, firefighter, police officer, EMT technician of the year; veteran of the year, Scout of the year and others. If you know someone who is head and shoulders above others in their specialty, please bring it to our attention so we can put them in for proper recognition.


Believe it or not, our meeting next month brings first nominations for officers for the upcoming VFW year. If you are interested in running for elected office, now is the time to let that secret out of the bag. Talk to a fellow member about nominating you and spread the word about your candidacy.  We also have vacancies in some appointed offices and committees. Again, don’t keep it a secret if you are interested in serving your post in this way.

Quartermaster’s January Update

By Harold Rodenberger


Another year has come and gone. They seem to roll by faster as I age but the old folks told me to expect that, so I don’t worry.


Of course, with faster years come faster months, weeks and days. I don’t think too much about the faster years and months but the faster weeks and especially days sometimes leave me befuddled.


A couple days ago, I got up at 5:30 a.m. thinking I had the whole day ahead of me so I could get a lot accomplished. In addition to my normal routine I wanted to clean out the shop and straighten up some things in the basement and make a trip to Goodwill to donate some excess clothes. That day seemed like it might be a good day to get those things done.


After I went downstairs and greeted my little dog, I brought in the paper, made coffee, did a few exercises, ate breakfast and the next thing I knew it was 10 a.m. Had an 11 a.m. medical appointment at Northgate so hurried through a shower, got dressed and just made it to my appointment on time.


On the way back from Northgate stopped at the office to check on a couple things. Next time I looked at the clock it was 5 p.m. and time to head home for supper. Not long after I finished eating, my little dog reminded me it was walk time, so I bundled up against the cold, put on my reflective vest and off we headed to check out the evening in our neighborhood.


Back from our walk, I decided to make a quick batch of cookies and next thing I knew it was past time for bed. No time spent cleaning the shop or the basement and no trip to Goodwill. Where had the day gone?


Time spent at the VFW is a lot the same. So many routine tasks need to be done that our plans to grow the post, help our members and serve our community sometimes drop into a lower priority.


Fortunately, at the post there are active officers and volunteers to help accomplish the special things that need to be done.


Those volunteers and officers visit the VA Hospital and other nursing homes and retirement centers to visit with patients and veterans; perform Color Guard functions; manage our newsletter, Facebook page and website; help with meals on meeting nights, socials and special dinners; contact potential members and those whose memberships have lapsed; retire old flags; maintain our library and even change burned out lights.


What would we do without volunteers willing to give up some precious time and energy to help others? It would be a sad world indeed.


In this new year, if you would like to join our volunteers in these many activities, please come to meetings, call the office, drop by during business hours or call me personally (206-972-2135) and we will add your name to the list of good people who are helping make our world a better place.


Now if I could just find time to clean out my shop…


Quartermaster’s December Update

By Harold Rodenberger


This month the days are short and the nights are long here in Seattle. It’s time to figurately gather around the fire and stay warm while telling stories, developing plans and sharpening tools for springtime hunting and fishing expeditions.


This month also marks the halfway point of our VFW year. Time to assess our progress, adjust goals and hone our tools for the remainder of the year.


We’ve had some firsts so far this year:

–  We held two flag retirement ceremonies and a community document shredding day.

–  Our Honor Guard attended two military funerals and posted colors at our post and at the WWII Allen Library WWI Centennial grand opening.

–  Our service officer, Gail Engler, initiated office hours once per month at the Ballard Senior Center for veterans who might need help.

–  Thanks to Chair Bill Griffith and his crew we held a nice WWII remembrance ceremony last month complete with Certificates of Appreciation and longevity pins for our WWII veterans.

–  Our editor, Alyson Teeter, earned a promotion in one of her other jobs. In November, her daughter pinned her with a silver Lt Col leaf. Congratulations, Aly!

–  Teams from our post visited patients at the VA Hospital on Fourth of July, Labor Day and both Veterans Day and Thanksgiving last month, bringing cheer and goodies to those veterans. We also made many visits to other retirement and nursing homes in the area to visit veterans and other community members. First time for so many visits.

–  Jessica Chacko won our Post 3063 Voice of Democracy contest.  We wish her well as she now competes at higher levels. Jessica and her father, Sanu, have been regular participants when we visit the VA Hospital.

–  We have our annual Christmas party scheduled Dec. 15. There will be a prime rib dinner, a visit from Santa with gifts for the children and seasonal music so be sure to mark your calendar. Not a first but worth attending.

Looking forward to the second half of our year:

–  We have signed up seven new members but have lost some of our older members so we need your help to reach 100% membership as soon as possible.

–  Our Color Guard is sharpening skills under the direction of Chair Bill Hoeller and will be participating in more events.

–  Our military-themed post library is growing quickly. If you’re interested in reading the old-fashioned way, from actual paper books, drop by and check it out. You might find something you can’t resist.

–  Early in the summer we will have another flag retirement ceremony so bring your old flags to the post for proper retirement.

–  Our post will hold a “Grand Reopening” ceremony this spring to celebrate the centennial of America’s entry into WWI.

–  We are planning another St Patty’s Day corned beef dinner/fundraiser for our relief fund. Save the date for a good dinner and a chance to contribute to a good cause.

–  If you have an idea for something our post could do in the community or to help veterans, please let us know. Good ideas are always welcome.


Finally, from me and my family to you and yours, we wish you the best of the Holidays and a prosperous, peaceful and productive New Year.


Quartermaster’s November Update

By Harold Rodenberger


November marks the beginning of an important holiday period in our American culture. This month brings Veterans Day and Thanksgiving.


On Veterans Day we will be visiting the VA Hospital, distributing poppies, and attending cemetery ceremonies and other Veterans Day activities. If you are interested in participating in any of these events, please drop our commander or me an email so we can fill you in on the details.


An anonymous donor contacted me and made a National Home challenge for the December meeting. He will match all December National Home donations in excess of $100 so save up and let’s make a record contribution to our VFW National Home during the December meeting.


Our own Chuck Murrell will be inducted into the VA Hospital Wall of Heroes on November 9, 2016. Congratulations, Chuck! If you’d like to attend, the ceremony will be at 11:00 a.m. in the Healing Garden. Ask at the Information Desk if you need directions.


Don’t forget the special program honoring our World War II veteran members during the social meeting on Nov. 17.


Finally, November is a good time to remember to be thankful for the many good things in our lives. Even though we all have our troubles and rough spots in life, compared to people in most parts of the world we are living lives blessed with many freedoms and protections. As for me, I’m thankful for the many good and helpful members of our post and the officers who do so much to keep this post moving forward. Thank You!


Quartermaster’s October Update

By Harold Rodenberger


For the past nine months we have had regular office hours three days per week. We have had some walk-in business but in our modern digital society most people do things online via our wonderful website, by email, or sometimes by using that old fashioned device, the telephone.


Based on this experience, starting in the middle of October we will reduce our schedule to Thursdays and Saturdays, one weekday and one weekend day per week, same times. I will be in the office most days and am available most anytime (unless traveling) so if you need to meet at the office just let me know and we can arrange it.


Don’t forget our document shredder day is this Sunday, Oct. 2, in our parking lot. Bring your old personal papers and watch them turned to confetti in the shredder truck.


The winter holidays are coming and with them the increased need for blood. As a service to our community we would like to schedule a blood drive at our post in December but we need at least 25 people to commit to giving blood before we can schedule a local drive. I promise to bake homemade cookies for the occasion so send me an email, call, or write to sign up and ask your neighbors to do the same.


Our Veterans Service Officer (VSO) Gail Engler is available to help veterans and family members with questions about veteran’s benefits. Gail is available at the Ballard Senior Center 1- 2 p.m. the third Thursday of each month or by appointment at the post. You can reach her at 206-706-2703 and [email protected]. If you have questions about VA benefits, please contact her.


Next month brings a most important day, Veterans Day. We will be honoring our veterans in many ways: visiting cemeteries, distributing Buddy Poppies, visiting patients at the Seattle VA Medical Center, and participating in special assemblies at our local schools. Please let me know if you would like to volunteer for any of these activities.