In Memoriam (November 2017)

In Memoriam


During the October and November business meetings, the post charter will be draped with a black cloth for the following comrades who recently passed away. The charter will stay draped for 30 days in their honor.


Al Linden, U.S. Army, World War II:

William Mattson, U.S. Army, World War II:

VA Hospital Visit Scheduled Nov. 10

Post 3063 members are encouraged to participate in a visit to the Seattle VA Medical Center on Veterans Day (Observed), which is Friday, Nov. 10. The visit will include passing out snacks to veteran patients and partaking in good conversation.


The meeting time is TBD. Volunteers will meet at the hospital’s emergency room entrance. The Seattle VAMC is located at 1660 South Columbian Way, Seattle 98108.


People who want to participate should contact Comrade Jon Guncay at [email protected].


King County Vets Consortium Chair Discusses Prop 1

During the Post 3063 October Social on Oct. 19, 2017, Ryan Mielcarek, chair of the King County Veterans Consortium, presented information about Proposition 1, “The King County Veterans, Seniors, and Human Services Levy.”


Ryan Mielcarek, chair of the King County Veterans Consortium, presented information about Proposition 1, “The King County Veterans, Seniors, and Human Services Levy” Oct. 19, 2017.

According to the King County Voter’s Guide, “If approved, this proposition would replace an expiring levy and fund capital facilities and regional health and human services for veterans and military servicemembers and their families, seniors and their caregivers, and vulnerable populations. It would authorize an additional property tax for six years beginning with a 2017 rate of $0.10 per $1,000 of assessed valuation for collection in 2018.”


“Funded services would promote outcomes related to healthy living, housing stability, financial stability, social engagement, service system improvement and access, criminal justice system diversion, education and work force development, and civil legal aid to vulnerable populations. Proceeds would also be used to provide small organizations that offer such services with technical assistance and capacity building, such as legal, accounting, human resources, and leadership development and services support.”


For more information about Prop 1, go to


Comrade Turner’s Daughter Winning Fight Against Cancer

You may remember the story of Comrade Evan Turner’s daughter, Lillian, who was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma, Stage 4S in April.

Comrade Turner and his oldest daughter receive the $500 check.


Post 3063 voted to donate $500 to Evan and his family to help with her fight against cancer. The check was presented to the Turner family during the post’s monthly business meeting Oct. 5, 2017. We are ecstatic to report that Lillian’s prognosis is good and she’s a true warrior in her fight against cancer!


If you would like to donate to Lillian’s fight, go to and updates are posted at