By Nestor Tamayao
The 119th National Convention Veterans of Foreign Wars convened July 21 – 25 at the Kansas City, Mo. Convention Center. The attending post delegates to the convention were Quartermaster Harold Rodenberger, Junior Vice-Commander Joe Fitzgerald, Trustee Aaron Stoltz, Junior Past-Commander Nestor Tamayao, and Comrade James Williams.

On Saturday and Sunday, the exhibition hall had many vendors’ and sponsors’ exhibits, a health fair, an auction, “Buddy” Poppy Contest featuring entries constructed of poppies, a veterans walk-in claims clinic, Southern, Big Ten, Eastern and Western Conference Caucuses as well as various committee meetings. On Sunday, in addition to various workshops and National-level meetings, there was a Joint Memorial Service and a Welcome Concert featuring Trace Adkins.
At the Joint Opening Session on Monday, July 23, VFW and Auxiliary members attended the formal opening of the 119th National Convention by VFW Commander-in Chief Keith E. Harman. A video recapped the many successes of the VFW in 2017-2018. Many VFW awards were given to individuals and organizations.
After the lunch break, the VFW and Auxiliary went into their respective business sessions. The VFW business session usual room seating configuration was grouped by state departments. Each department’s commander placed a placard bearing his or her state on a pedestal. Department, District and Post officers and delegates were all seated within their particular state’s area. Proposed by-law, manual of procedure, ritual amendments, finance and internal organization, general resolutions, national security and foreign affairs, veterans’ service resolutions, and convention rules were introduced by respective committees and approved or disapproved by the membership.
Tuesday’s highlight was the appearance of the President of the United States, Donald Trump. Among other subjects, he spoke on issues with favorable direct bearing for the military, veterans, military personnel and their families. The president acknowledged the importance and need for the Veterans of Foreign Wars as a congressionally-chartered veterans organization. Prior to the president’s appearance, Marine Lt. Col. (ret.) Oliver North was introduced and given the VFW Distinguished Service Award. Also on Tuesday afternoon was a patriotic celebration for all delegates attending the convention.
The final day of the convention culminated in the election and installation of the national officers for the

ensuing VFW year 2018 – 2019 complete with the usual pomp and circumstance. It’s quite the scene observing many delegates parading throughout the hall to celebrate each national officer’s election.
The old adage of “All work and no play…” did not apply at this convention as delegates were afforded many opportunities to eat, drink and be entertained. Kansas City, Mo. is noted for its great cuisine, local breweries and distilleries. Barbeque is one of the “food groups” of this city!
Yearly, thousands of VFW and Auxiliary delegates gather to represent the organization’s total membership of nearly 1.6 million at the National Convention. The convention gives the organization’s membership the opportunity approve national priorities, elect new leadership, recognize prominent individuals and organizations and work on issues important to veterans, service personnel and their families. The 120th convention will be in Orlando, Fla. July 20 – 24, 2019.