New Member Profile: Chris Dresnek

This is the first profile in a new recurring column that will highlight new VFW Post 3063 members. Chris Dresnek joined the post in April 2018.


What motivated you to join the VFW?

The need to be around my fellow veterans. We get each other in ways non-vets can’t.Chris Dresnek


What is your military background?
I’m retired Army. I was a Human Resources NCO, part-time supply sergeant, and the lead gunner on both deployments (Twice to Iraq: Kirkush and Kirkuk).


Civilian job, education, family, hobbies, or anything else you’d like to tell us about yourself?
I’m not employed right now as I’m going to school full time on the GI Bill for a degree in Photography. Previously I was a manager and state certified medical marijuana consultant for a chain of Cannabis stores.


You’ve taken great photos of post events. Tell us about your photography.
It’s been a hobby for 25 years but I’m looking to make it a career. I am most interested in black and white film photography. I enjoy shooting landscapes and trees.


What do you hope to achieve being a member of the VFW?
Meet some cool people and be part of a thriving veteran community.