Auxiliary President Recognizes District, State Officers

By Donna Limric


The members of the Post 3063 Auxiliary are working hard to rebuild our organization.  Our goal is to become strong and active. We now have a business license for the auxiliary, so we are recognized by the state! Thank you to our treasurer Liz Guncay for all your hard work!


I would like to recognize the help from auxiliary members outside our post. First a huge thank you to District 2 Auxiliary President Lois Mezek. Louis has been to every meeting, and there by phone and e-mail with whatever we need. She has been guiding us every step of the way. The following individuals have also been of great help: State Jr. Vice President Kathi Naff, State Conductress Barbara Moore, and State President Laurie Lukas.  Finally, the post itself has been enthusiastically encouraging us while affording us the space to get back on our feet.


Our auxiliary’s first event will be a book sale on May 5–6. The hours will be announced very soon.  We will have fliers and post the hours on our Facebook page. This will be the same weekend as the grand opening weekend of the Nordic Museum.  Please come down and explore what we have to offer.  The proceeds from the book sale will benefit the Heroes in the Ballpark fund.