Yoga: New Instructor, New Time

The post has resumed one-hour yoga classes on Wednesday mornings at 9:30 a.m. Classes are free to veterans and their families. Please wear loose clothing and bring your yoga mat and a blanket to cushion your knees, if desired.


Yoga Instructor
Alicia Brill

Alicia Brill is our new instructor and is a veteran of the United States Army, having enlisted as an Intelligence Analyst for the Army Reserves and the Montana Army National Guard. Alicia first began practicing yoga on a deployment with the Army. While the military taught her discipline, yoga provided her with a sense of discipline plus honoring one’s self exactly where you are.


Since getting out of the military in 2007, Alicia has admired the sense of camaraderie she felt in the military and has sought ways to be of continued service to other military veterans. Alicia became a certified yoga teacher with 8 Limbs Yoga Centers in April 2017 and completed Level One training with Veterans Yoga Project in January 2017. Her concentration has been on Yoga for Trauma Healing and Yoga for PTSD.