Quartermaster’s March Update

By Harold Rodenberger


A recent health scare reminded me that I’m mortal. Like most people, I know in my head that I will die, but this event brought awareness to the depths of my heart, that I WILL die, perhaps soon.


What to think and do at a time like this?


As I’ve gotten older I’ve come to realize that accumulating things is less important than doing what I can to better the lives of my family, my VFW family and others in my community. A life-threatening event like this reinforces those feelings.


Most of us in the VFW have long-lasting memories and even friendships dating from when we served our country in a war zone. As we get older, we might let those guide us in helping the soldiers of our generation and others who came before or after. We share a common bond that should bridge personal, and even political, differences allowing us to do as much as we can to help others, particularly our comrades in arms and their families.


As for me, for as many days as I have left in this life, I resolve to do as much as possible to repay previous kindnesses, help those needing help, share my good fortune with others and “pay forward” (as the current slogan goes) the help I’ve received over the years.


Speaking of forward, let’s look forward to the coming season.


The ides of March soon will be upon us. Instead of a warning, I like to think of the day as a harbinger of the outdoor time of the year. Urging us to draw in a deep breath of fresh air, enjoy the lengthening days and break out of the doldrums of winter.


Our post has exciting plans, including some new and some old events that will motivate you to attend:

  • Another American Flag retirement ceremony, this one on Flag Day, June 14, 2017.
  • Another shredder party if there is enough interest. Let me know if you have papers to shred.
  • More visitations to the VA and other hospitals and homes.
  • A special fund raiser for our post relief fund.
  • Another care package assembly and packing party.
  • Fresh new menus and interesting guest speakers during our social nights.
  • Special Memorial Day activities.


This month brings first nominations of officers with second nominations and elections next month, Good officers make a good post. Help us elect the best.


Chef Kay will cook corned beef and the trimmings for this month’s social. It’s the day before St. Patrick’s Day so plan to attend and celebrate the occasion.


Beginning this month, we will host a weekly yoga class for our members and families. Sharon Jenson, long-time student of yoga, has retired from her practice as a physician and now teaches yoga. She has advanced qualifications for working with veterans and their families. Please wear loose fitting clothing, bring a small blanket to cushion your knees and a yoga mat if you have one.  If you would like to try yoga but can’t easily get on and off the floor, please come anyway.  We will have chairs and adaptations available for you.


We welcome you to Sharon’s classes each Wednesday morning beginning March 22 from 8 to 9 a.m. in our hall.


Active members are the backbone of this post. Please join in and make our backbone stronger.