Awards presented to members for achievements

By Harold Rodenberger


At our last business meeting held July 7th our post and members were presented with many awards. “I don’t remember the Post ever receiving so many awards,” said Commander Nestor Tamayao.


Our outgoing commander, Aaron Stoltz, was awarded a Department of Washington White Hat for his selection as a member of the All-State Team. (The All-State Team is composed of commanders who have satisfied all the requirements for their year as delineated by state headquarters.) It’s an honor achieved by few commanders and was a just reward for his final year of eight as our Ballard Eagleson Post Commander.


Other awards included:

  • Charles Anderson, editor, for second place in the medium size post category of state post newsletters
  • Gail Engler for her work as Buddy Poppy Chair
  • Russ Seelig for serving as District 2 May 1st Fundraiser Chair
  • James Williams for starting our website and his eight years as webmaster
  • Georgia Warrix for serving as our St. Patrick’s Day Fundraiser Chair
  • A JASON Award to our post officers for 100 percent reporting during July to November
  • Outstanding support of the USO
  • Voice of Democracy Awards, department and national
  • Patriot’s Pen awards, again both department and national levels