Post adopts Boy Scout Troop 80, donates $200 for camping gear

By Gail Engler


Post 3063 has adopted Boy Scout Troop 80 in Magnolia. We plan to work with them to sponsor an Eagle Scout for the VFW’s Scout of the Year program.


Boy scout donation
Post 3063 Service Officer, Gail Engler, presents a $200 donation to Troop 80.

Post 3063 member Elizabeth Servey and her husband Brian are Boy Scout Leaders for Troop 80 so this is why we chose to sponsor this particular troop since we already had a relationship with them through Elizabeth. Roger Wiley is the Scout Master for Troop 80.


The Serveys have two boys, Andrew and James, who belong to Troop 80. James and Andrew and other Scouts and Girl Scouts have participated with Post 3063 members when we visited patients at the VA hospitals so we already have a good working relationship with Troop 80.


In addition, the Post voted to donate $200, which will help the troop purchase much needed camping equipment to use on their many outdoor adventures.


The post looks forward to working with Troop 80 on other projects in the future.