Essay Contests
High school students can enter the Voice of Democracy contest. In this program you write your response to the question of the year, record your oration presenting those thoughts, then enter our contest to win cash prizes. Please submit entries using the QR code on this flyer or go directly to the or Voice of Democracy page. The rules are also available at the QR code or link.
Middle school students can enter the Patriot’s Pen contest. This program is in the form of a written response to the question. It’s submitted to our post and winners progress up the ladder to big prizes. Please submit entries using the QR code on this flyer or go directly to the Patriot’s Pen page. The rules are also available at the QR code or link.
Elementary students in grades 3, 4 & 5 are encouraged to enter the special Youth Essay program run by the Washington Department, Veterans of Foreign Wars. This program is also a written response to the question of the year. Here’s the link to the rules and entry form.
Please note the entry requirements, especially the date deadline, which is October 31 every year.
Scout of the Year
Annually, the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States recognizes
individuals who are: Eagle Scouts, Girl Scout Gold Award recipients, Venture Summit Award recipients and/or Sea Scout Quartermasters who have risen above their peers in exemplifying the qualities of that rank.
The application and additional required documents are due to the post by March 1 every year. See more at
Teacher of the Year
Each year, the Veterans of Foreign Wars selects elementary, middle, and high school teachers to participate in the Smart/Maher VFW National Citizenship Education Teacher program.
Please review the new rules and eligibility requirements and download the entry form to nominate a teacher you know at Teacher nomination entries must be received at our post by the Oct. 31 deadline.
VFW in the Classroom
Every day, we strive to thank America’s educators by providing them with helpful resources and encouraging our members to visit local classrooms. Let us help you educate America’s future leaders and bring history to life!
Veterans play an important role in educating our nation’s youth about the founding principles upon which America was founded. As combat veterans, VFW members can provide students with a unique perspective about the sacrifices America’s service members make to maintain freedom for all of us.
When visiting a classroom, a VFW member will prepare a brief introduction, a main presentation and a Q&A session. Depending on the topic, a member may bring appropriate memorabilia, uniforms, photographs and other relevant material.
American history is something we all share, and there’s no one better to help tell that story than someone who’s had a great part in shaping it.
Contact our post to arrange for a veteran to visit your classroom.
If you are a VFW member interested in becoming active with your local schools these tips and suggestions may be helpful.