Members Away from Home: Sean Digre

By Harold Rodenberger

Auxiliary member Sarwat Digre and post member Sean Digre.
Auxiliary member Sarwat Digre and post member Sean Digre.

Post member Sean and Auxiliary member Sarwat Digre are presently living in Newport, Ore, while Sean is on a two-year sea duty tour with the NOAA Ship Bell M. Shimada.

Sean receives award from NOAA administrator
Sean receiving his BOCT diploma from Dr. Kathryn Sullivan, former Astronaut and Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere and NOAA Administrator.


Sean gained his VFW eligibility from service in Afghanistan. He spent eighteen years in the Army and then completed his schooling at the University of Washington, Divers Institute of Technology, and finally the Basic Officers Candidate Training Course at the Coast Guard Academy in

New London, Conn. He now is beginning a new career with The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).


Best wishes on your NOAA career, Sean. Keep in touch and send us an update when you can.